J. Simon Richard

My name is J. Simon Richard. I'm an aspiring researcher / entrepreneur / full-stack developer with a wide range of [interests] and [proficiencies].

I've had some great [education] and [work] experiences since the start of my programming journey. I am currently working on a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics at Cleveland State University.
J. Simon Richard


Welcome to my online resume! My name is Simon Richard, and I’m an 20 year-old self-taught programmer. I live in North-East Ohio and am currently attending Cleveland State University as a Computer Science and Mathematics Major.

Since my early childhood, I’ve been interested in making things and learning how things work. I love engineering, math, physics, and computer science.

I started programming about 12 years ago. My first language was Processing (on Khan Academy), but since then I have added many more languages and frameworks to my programming tool box. My current favorite is Rust.


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics

Cleveland State University - Expected graduation: May 2025

GPA: 4.0

Associate of Science

Lakeland Community College - May 2021

GPA: 4.0

  • Outstanding Mathematics Student Award
  • Finalist for the Provost’s Award
Professional Experiences

Computer Peer Teacher Coordinator

Cleveland State University

As the coordinator of the Computer Peer Teacher (CPT) program, I hired new CPTs, trained and managed a team of 6 CPTs (not including myself), improved IT infrastructure, led the organization of computer science events, coordinated with faculty, and coordinated with our sister program (the Engineering Peer Teachers).

Algorithms Research & Development Internship

MIM Software Inc.

I reproduced two adaptations of a state-of-the-art segmentation model for use in the medical domain, fine-tuned those models on in-house CT data, performed ablation studies, and presented my findings to the research team at MIM (including the company's Chief Science Officer).

Computer Peer Teacher

Cleveland State University

As a Computer Peer Teacher (CPT), I help students with questions primarily related to Python, Java, and C. I have also helped organize computer science events.

Software Engineering Internship

MIM Software Inc.

I contributed to a large, 1M+ line code base and made a measurable impact through the features I implemented. One of these features will allow MIM to drop support for a version that is three major versions behind the current release.

Software Development Internship

Integrated Mill Systems Inc. - The IMS Innovation Group

I worked with the IMS Innovation Group at Integrated Mill Systems Inc. on the development of a stand-alone data-logging device. This device utilized several technologies including python scripting, web design, networking, containerization, Rust, and MongoDB.

Peer Math Tutoring

Lakeland Community College

I tutored other students in the area of mathematics up to and including Calculus 3, both online and in-person.

Quantum Machine Learning (Honors Thesis) - Computer Science Department, Cleveland State University (Cleveland, OH)
  • Research which classical and quantum hybrid models are best suited for graph learning tasks.
  • Expected publication in late 2024.
Mixed Volumes - Mathematics Department, Cleveland State University (Cleveland, OH)
  • Use computer-assisted methods to explore and prove inequalities related to mixed-volumes.
  • Expected publication in late 2024.
Online Multiplayer Game Prototype
  • Based on microservice architecture
  • Utilized Rust, Docker, and TypeScript, and implemented continuous integration (CI) with GitLab
"Making the Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography." The Downtown Review. Vol. 9. Iss. 2 (2023). Available at: https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/tdr/vol9/iss2/4
Technical Proficiencies
  • Academic research, with a focus on machine learning and its applications
  • Mathematics, and the intersection between mathematics and computer science
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Backend development and security by design
  • Theology
  • Piano (Bach, Schostakowitsch, Prokofiev, and Kapustin are a few of my favorites)
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