J. Simon Richard
I'm an aspiring machine learning researcher exploring ways to enhance AI reasoning through formal mathematical methods. I'm particularly interested in how automatic theorem proving and formal verification can help bridge the gap between large language models and precise logical reasoning.
Research interests:
- Automated Theorem Proving (ATP)
- AutoFormalization (AF)
- Large Language Model (LLM) reasoning
- AI Safety
- Formal program verification
B.S. Computer Science and Mathematics | 4.0 GPA
Expected graduation in May 2025 | Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
- Honors Thesis: "Hybrid Quantum or Purely Classical? Assessing the Utility of Quantum Feature Embeddings."
- Senior Math / Engineering Project: "Large Language Model Reasoning and Verification through AutoFormalization"
Associate of Science | 4.0 GPA
May 2021 | Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH
- Outstanding Mathematics Student Award
- Finalist for the Provost's Award
Research Experience

Senior Math / Computer Science Project: "Large Language Model Reasoning and Verification through AutoFormalization"
August 2024 — Present
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Advised by Dr. Aditi Singh and Dr. L. Felipe Martins
- Write a survey paper on Automatic Theorem Proving (ATP), Large Language Models (LLMs), and their intersection (including AutoFormalization).
- Manage a team of three other Computer Science and Data Science seniors, directing research and engineering efforts.
- Explore the foundations of formal theorem proving and the LEAN 4 proof language.

Mathematics Research Assistant
August 2023 — Present
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Advised by Dr. Ivan Soprunov
- Write exploratory and proof-oriented code using SageMath (an extension of Python).
- Reason in the context of geometry (2D and 15D), combinatorics, linear algebra, and group theory.
- Refactor research code, improving readability, usability, and performance.

Honors Thesis: "Hybrid Quantum or Purely Classical? Assessing the Utility of Quantum Feature Embeddings."
August 2023 — May 2024
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
Advised by Dr. Satish Kumar
- Critically evaluated a hybrid quantum-classical machine learning technique using cross-validation and extensive hyperparameter tuning.
- Reproduced the model architecture from scratch using PyTorch and Pennylane.
- Published findings concluding that the classical-only models perform just as well as models using the hybrid quantum-classical methodology.

R&D Intern
May 2023 — August 2023
MIM Software Inc., Beachwood, OH
Advised by Dr. Soroush Pahlavian
- Reviewed and presented on current literature.
- Reproduced several methodologies for adapting an open source 2D image segmentation model in order to segment 3D medical scans using publicly available code and data.
- Fine-tuned those models using a proprietary CT scan dataset.
- Summarized findings in a technical report and presented the results to MIM's R&D Team and Chief Science Officer.
- J. S. Richard, “Hybrid Quantum or Purely Classical? Assessing the Utility of Quantum Feature Embeddings,” Aug. 2024, doi: 10.12688/f1000research.154428.1.
- G. Averkov, K. von Dichter, S. Richard, and I. Soprunov, “Mixed volumes of zonoids and the absolute value of the Grassmannian (Extended Abstract),” Apr. 03, 2024, arXiv: arXiv:2404.02842. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2404.02842.
- J. S. Richard, “Making the Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography,” The Downtown Review, vol. 9, no. 2, May 2023, [Online]. Available: https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/tdr/vol9/iss2/4.
Leadership & Teaching Experience

Computer Peer Teacher (CPT) Coordinator
August 2023 — Present
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
- Hire, train, and manage a team of eight CPTs; manage employee time sheets, make data-driven decisions regarding hiring and tutoring assignments, and improve IT infrastructure and cybersecurity.
- Lead the organization of eight computer science events to date and coordinate with faculty and with our sister program, the Engineering Peer Teachers.

Computer Peer Teacher (CPT)
October 2022 — August 2023
Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH
- Provided 1-on-1 assistance to computer science students; answered questions primarily related to Python, Java, and C; helped organize computer science events.
Peer Math Tutoring
December 2019 — April 2021
Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH
- Tutored other students in the area of mathematics up to and including Calculus 3, both online and in-person.
Additional Technical Experience
Software Engineering Intern
May 2022 — August 2022
MIM Software Inc., Beachwood, OH
- Contributed to a 1M+ line code base by implementing UI features and bug fixes.
- Added support for a legacy file format that will allow the company to drop support for older versions of their flagship product.
- Participated in biweekly stand-up meetings as a part of the Agile development process.
- A publicly released co-op report is available upon request.
Software Engineering Intern
July 2020 — December 2021
Integrated Mill Systems Inc., Willoughby, OH
- Developed a PLC data-logging service for the Raspberry Pi using Python / Bash Scripting, Docker, Rust, and sockets.
- Wrote a locally served data-visualization web app using React and d3.js.